The A. Phimister Proctor Foundation
2442 258th Court S.E.
Sammamish, Washington 98075

Laura Proctor Ames

Do You Own a Proctor?

Alexander Phimister Proctor
Bust of Teddy Roosevelt, 1920, bronze

The A. Phimister Proctor Foundation receives inquiries from people across the country interested in the history of their Proctor sculptures, paintings, etchings, and other artwork. The most effective way to analyze an artwork is to inspect it in person, although that’s not always possible. The next best approach is to review close-up photographs or digital images of the piece.

We can help you learn more about your Proctor artwork, or provide you with additional resource information.

If you are interested in researching your Proctor art, please send us an email with all of the information you know about the piece and include digital images. Painting and etching images should show close-up shots of Proctor’s signature. Bronzes must include images of signature, copyright, foundry markings, and if possible, the underside of the sculpture. These images will provide us with necessary information to determine the history of the artwork.

The A. Phimister Proctor Foundation continues to research and collect Proctor’s lifetime artwork.

    Your Contact Information


    Information You Know About the Piece

    Digital Images

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